My Teachers

Gary Spatz

Darcy and Laura

Pre- teen Studio C Teachers
Rainy and Jennifer

Join The Family!

Do you want to join me and other kids learning how to be in Commercials, TV Shows, and Movies? You can join the fun at THE PLAYGROUND, too. But, you need to sign in at the website to join. Come join the fun with me, Gary Spatz, and other teachers.

{Many famous people have been past students of Gary Spatz like Justin Timberlake, Hilary Duff, Dylan and Cole Spouse, so he knows what he's talking about! see here for a list of former students}

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Today, we did our Tongue Twisters, but it was extra credit. But, I still said it. Then, we did a rehearsal for Audition Night. I had no notes, I think. After we did that, we played "Pass the Sound and Motion". All you have to do is make a sound and motion and you have to copy it. I also heard that there is gong to be a Haunted House! I had an awesome time!

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